«In your own words, describe Detroit sports and what is special about them.
"Detroit sports is about resiliency. Detroit sports is about heartbreak and gut-wrenching losses. It's also about those extremely special teams like the Bad Boys, the Red Wings of the '90s and '00s. And of course, all the sadness and happiness the Lions and Tigers have brought us. It's the whole spectrum of sports love."
So many have followed your battle with Hodgkin's lymphoma and have sent you messages of kindness. What has this meant to you?
"The outpouring of love has been nothing next to incredible. I'm often left in tears reading and responding to messages from people on the internet who have said I made an impact on their lives with my kindness. I feel strongly about cultivating a very positive attitude around me because of my disease. And I think asking people things like, tell me something good that happened to you is a gateway to kindness and love and just listening to people who want to share the good things in their life. You'll be surprised to hear that people don't want to be miserable on the internet, they just think it's cool to be snarky. But if you really ask them deep down, they want to be loved."
This past weekend the Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, Tigers and Spartans all put a #FATURDAY message on their scoreboards. What was your reaction to this?
"I cried like a baby. I still cant believe the outpouring of love and support I've received."
What do you hope your legacy is? How would you like to encourage others to live?
"I have the simplest message: love one another. Be kind to others. Listen to your friends when they're struggling. If you see a stranger down and out, ask them how they're doing. Don't assume you know what everyone is going through.
But above all, find happiness. It's important and sounds so attainable, but we forget. Being miserable makes for an awful life. Be better. Find something out there that makes you smile, find someone. It doesn't have to be work - it can be food, your kids, sports."
We give nothing less than positive thoughts to Andy and his family during this tough time.